Senin, 24 Desember 2012

masak opor,hahaaha

mom...have you been seen my dish?
it's the second time i cooked...
so far so good , i think.
even if for the first time, i cooked it's so bad..and you know? i dont want to cook again..
im tired...useless..

and...opor ayam is the dish which has complex many season it needed
garlic, shallot, pala, merica, kemiri, ketumbar, lengkuas, jahe, kunyit, merica, sereh, daun salam, daun jeruk, garam, gula....
one month ago my dish too much of water (milk coconut), dosage of season something that im forget put in, but i dont know what is it...the dressing was break.
if i said it to will be said "for what you cooked it? you're alone in house, nobodys there.. common...why are you didn't bought outside?it's simple huh?".
"but, mom...i want to be like you...good for cooking, your dish always delicious on my mouth",i sent message for you
"ma...sekarang aku udah bisa masak opor ayam yang enak.hehee..." said
"asyiiikkk...besok masak ya pas liburan di lombok"
",but i need your help.maybe im so nervous if i cooked it special for you, dadd, and my brother"
and i made sambal+jeruk pecelnya,tapi hiasannya jeruk nipis..hihiii, im so busy. im tired to do my task..yesterday when you looked at me in front of my netbook, you said "nakk..udah..jangan capek-capek..istirahat dulu".
or sometime you gave me some snack like a kolak, brownies, or just a jelly?? you like cooked!!
i remember it...

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